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GCD Away Day Sept 2019 LR 11


The church is not a building, it's people

The church is not a building and it’s not a set of programmes and events. It’s a group of people- ordinary people who trust in Jesus to save them and want to live together with Him as their Lord.

This section isn’t a “Who’s Who” of the V.I.P.s at Grace Church, because every person is important. But it’s a way for you to see some of the leaders of the church, as well as hear from a few others, so you get to know us as a church.

Phil Martin

Lead Pastor

fiona nedan
Fiona Neden

Women's ministry team leader

Andy Meadows
Andy Meadows

Assistant Pastor

Benji Cook
Benji Cook

Assistant Pastor

Vicky Widdows
Vicky Widdows


Ben Jones
Ben Jones


Marcus evans
Marcus Evans


Petasha Evans – Women’s Ministry Team
Petasha Evans

Women’s Ministry Team



Being rooted long term in the church family

You become a member of Grace Church by joining the Electoral Roll. It’s a way of saying that you are with us, as well as saying that you want us to be ‘with you’ in the sense of looking after you spiritually. Of course everyone is welcome at Grace Church and membership doesn’t magically make you any more part of the family. What it does do is show a real commitment to the church long-term and a desire to be rooted in the church family here. One example of how this works is that anyone is welcome at our AGM but only members can vote.

To become a member, you need to have been coming to Grace Church Dulwich for at least 6 months and be a committed believer in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. We ask all our members to sign our Statement of Faith.

Main Gathering

We meet together on Sundays at 10:30am. Contact us for more details if you would like them, or just turn up.



Charity info

Grace Church, Dulwich is a registered charity in England and Wales (1111740). This means that our accounts are regularly submitted to the charity commission for scrutiny and that financial gifts to Grace Church can be gift-aided.