Gospel Partners
Church plants and and missions
Jesus tells us to take the gospel out to the ends of the earth
The good news of Jesus Christ is for everyone, regardless of background and culture. To that end, we support a number of gospel partners in London and across the world, through church plants and mission agencies.
Mission Partners
Helen Sheridan
Following church-based women’s ministry in London, Helen is now working with Calvary Mission, Mayo, in the west of the Republic of Ireland.
Helen spent a year and a half in Westport, her father's home town, working with Calvary Church Westport. She transferred to a sister church within Calvary Mission - Calvary Church Castlebar - in April 2018.
Calvary Church Castlebar was planted in September 2013 and seeks to reach the town with the gospel (population 12,000) where the majority would identify as Roman Catholic. As the women's worker she engages in the evangelism and discipleship of women, youth and children through bible teaching, events and door-to-door ministry - sharing life and the gospel.
Mark and Jane Oden
Naples a city of contrasts: sun and light, shadow and darkness, life and vitality, death and decay. There are 4.5 million busy, LOUD, energetic people and over 144,000 students. The vast majority of residents do not know their right hand from their left spiritually speaking.
In 2013 Mark and Jane moved to Naples with their four children Sofia, Inez, Luisa and Archie to plant a church in the heart of the city and to work with students.
Holy Redeemer Streatham

The Holy Redeemer was founded in 1927 by the Church of England to serve Streatham Vale. We are located in the Borough of Lambeth, South London.
They are a very diverse church with about 90 in their fellowship. About 20 of their number are under the age of 18. They believe that we can know God by hearing his words in the Bible.
Their aim is to make the good news about Jesus known and to live for him. They try to be a place that cares for people and has space for those asking questions of the Christian faith.
Christ Central Soweto

Mission: To know Christ, to love one another, and to reach Soweto for Christ
We want to plant a Church and later churches that are entrenched in the community and engaged with society because they have a heart to see Soweto transformed by the gospel.
A church where truth of God’s word is valued more than money, where your soul can be fed nourishment of the gospel of Christ week in and week out without worry. A church where the truths that we learn are not just good catch phrases that have no impact on how we live our lives but where these truths are nurtured to take root in our hearts and transform our lives and outlook on life.
Gospel at work
Gospel at work

Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is not just for Sundays! In partnership with other churches, we encourage those who work in cnetral London, the City, and Canary Wharf to be involved in various lunchtime ministries. The aim of these are to help disciples of Hesus to stand firm and to be effective as public Christian in the workplace.
A full guide to Christian midweek meetings, lunchtime services, and Bible talks including how to find one near your place of work is in the link below.
Church plants
We believe that planting new congregations is the Biblical and most effective way to reach people with the message of Jesus today
Grace Church Sydenham

Grace Church Sydenham was planted in May 2015 is led by Rev Tim Iles who lives in Sydenham with his wife Emma. Tim was trained and ordained by the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. Before going to Bible College he was a maths teacher and graphic designer. He loves football, crosswords and good coffee.
They believe the Bible and the fundamental truths of Christianity revealed in it. We hold to the Church’s historic creeds, including the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England.
Their mission is to proclaim and live out the good news of Jesus Christ to the glory of God. Their core values for Mission are Prayer, Proclamation and Loving Service.
Grace Church Brockley

"We are a Christian community committed to our local community of Brockley. The Lord Jesus said that after loving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, the second most important commandment is to love your neighbour as yourself. Given this we want to love the people living around us in the way we live as part of the community of Brockley and in the way we interact with those around us.
"We therefore want to share the good news of God’s grace through the Lord Jesus Christ with the people of Brockley. Those of us who attend Grace Church Brockley are passionate about the people living in our area having somewhere in their midst where they too can experience God’s grace in all its richness."
Raymond Brown
Minister, Grace Church Brockley